Which of the Following Best Describes the Operational Period Briefing?

Which of the Following Best Describes the Operational Period Briefing?

A) Sets forth the specific tasks, reporting relationships, and expectations for support staff

B) Provides an orientation to individual resources at the beginning of their assignments

C) Helps keep the public and media informed about the incident status and operational accomplishments

D) Presents the Incident Action Plan (IAP) for the upcoming period to supervisory personnel.

Correct Answer: D) Presents the Incident Action Plan (IAP) for the upcoming period to supervisory personnel.


Operational Period Briefing

The Operational Period Briefing (OPB) is a document that provides the information you need to run your business. It’s the first thing we ask for when you start working with us and it’s designed to help us understand how you do things, what kind of support you need from us and what goals are important to you.
The purpose of this briefing is so that both parties can work together more effectively by understanding each other’s expectations and plans.


The Operational Period Briefing Process

The Operational Period Briefing process is a four-step process that helps you prepare for an upcoming period of work. It involves:

  • Gathering information about the project and team members’ roles in it
  • Planning out the work to be done during that period, including deadlines and milestones
  • Reviewing progress made during previous periods (if applicable)
  • Communicating what happened during this period to people who weren’t involved in its creation


The Components of the Operational Period Briefing

The Operational Period Briefing is a document that contains all the information you need to know about your upcoming mission. It’s broken down into four main components:

  • The Mission Statement
  • The Operational Plan (OPLAN)
  • Annexes and Appendices
  • Intelligence Annexes


The Benefits of the Operational Period Briefing

The Operational Period Briefing is a key tool for any organization to use in order to keep the public and media informed about what is going on. It allows you to set forth specific tasks and expectations, as well as keep everyone up-to-date on what’s happening at any given time.
The benefits of this briefing are numerous:

  • It helps keep everyone informed about what’s going on in your organization so they can do their jobs better
  • It gives you an opportunity to explain why certain decisions were made or why certain things happened (or didn’t happen) during an event
  • It helps establish accountability within your organization


The Challenges of the Operational Period Briefing

The Operational Period Briefing is an important part of the project management process. It’s a chance for you and your team to review what has been done, what needs to be done, and how much time it will take. But there are challenges with this type of briefing that can make it less effective than it could be.

The first challenge is that it’s often difficult for people on your team who aren’t familiar with your project or industry to understand why certain tasks need to be completed in order for other tasks (and ultimately the overall goal) to happen successfully.

This can lead them into making incorrect assumptions about what they should be doing next or how long something will take them–which may lead them into making mistakes later down the line when they’re actually working on those parts of their work plan.



The Operational Period Briefing is a crucial part of incident management. It helps ensure that all parties involved in an incident are on the same page and working towards the same goal, which is to resolve it safely and efficiently. The OPB also serves as an important tool for communicating information with the public and media during an emergency situation.
The OPB should be conducted at least once per shift (or as often as necessary), but no less than once per day.



Which statement best describes ICS form 201?

Incident Briefing ICS Form 201: Provides the Incident Commander (and the Command and General Staffs) with basic information regarding the incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident.

Which of the following would not typically be included in the transfer of command briefing?

Correct Answer: Special requests from agency representatives

Which incident type requires one or two single resources with up to six personnel?

Correct Answer: Type 5 Incident

Which incident type is limited to one operational period?

Correct Answer: Type 4 Incident

Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, Quizz.

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, Quizlet.

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, Weegy.

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, FEMA.

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, Assignment.

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, QA.

which of the following best describes the operational period briefing, Answer.

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